
Dear Little Scientist: a campaign for the international day of women and girls in science

Published on 14 Feb 2023

If you could go back in time to give good advice to the younger you about your career, what will you say?

In its 2023 campaign for the International Day of Women and Girls in science, ICONS launched a social media campaign called #DearLittleScientist.

Thecampaign aims to empower future scientists with a message sent directly from women who have already faced this journey.
The need for this campaign arises from the faults of traditional education in supporting girls’ and young women’s studies and careers in science. This is why there is a need for positive and empowering role models among researchers.

Researchers from all over Europe took part in the #DearLittleScientis campaign, and WalNUT was proud to give its contribution thanks to Alicia González Míguez from Cetaqua – Water Technology Centre, who answered the question “What did you need to hear when becoming the scientist you are now?”.

Follow the hashtag #DearLittleScientist on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook if you are curious about how different researchers answered this question.

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